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frog jokes

What do you call a frog that crosses the road, jumps in a mud puddle and crosses the road again?

A dirty little double-crosser.

How many frogs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One, and 37 light bulbs. Slippery hands, you know.

Why should you never give a frog your driver's license?

He'll rippit.

What happens to a frog's car if she doesn't pay the parking meter?

It gets toad.

What's black and white and green all over?

A newspaper with a frog hopping on it.

How does a frog feel with a broken toe?


What happens if you step on a frog's toes?

He gets hopping mad.

Do frogs have fun when they're catching flies?

Of course. Time's fun when you're having flies.

What did the frog order for lunch?
French flies and a large croak.
  Carrie drawing